Litigation Support in Sydney
Experts in Litigation and Dispute Resolution for Property
Advocate on behalf of landlords and tenants in rental disputes
Sydneyside Valuations are property experts in Sydney. With over 30 years experience working in the property sector in Sydney, we have the skills and resources to service a broad range of professional clients with property interests. We work with International and local professionals and advisors including lawyers, accountants and passive and active investors, to facilitate and resolve market value and rental property disagreements and disputes.

Dispute resolution
The commercial reality of today places many matters into arbitration, mediation or a courtroom for resolution. The types of matters; family separation, estate disagreements, negligence and misrepresentation, retail lease disputes, purchase and sale disputes often go into dispute. In these and many other instances, advocate reports prepared by SydneySide Valuations have assisted our clients in mediation or litigation.

Analysis and support
In the case of family law, acting under joint appointment and as a single expert pursuant to Division 15 of the Federal Court Circuit Rules 2001 we have provided expert reports to the court. In construction matters, aggrieved parties seek remedy in the courts for diminution in value. Where there has been a diminution in value a strong SydneySide Valuation advocate report has supported the claim for compensation in litigation. With our experience and careful analysis, we have prepared well structured and argued court compliant expert or advocate reports.

Strata Schemes
Strata schemes have existed for a long time and disputes within strata schemes are common. There are many events whereby lot owners need to elevate their dispute to NCAT or court to seek remedy. We have acted on behalf of owners corporation or lot owners in support of their litigation matter by preparing expert court reports.

The construction process may cause disputes in regards to market value or market rentals. Nearby constructions can effect property owners resulting in significant view loss, restricting access, restricting trading, reducing asking rentals all which may result in a loss of value to neighbouring property.
We act on behalf of owners whereby developers have sought to purchase their parcel by offering above market prices and then failing to complete their agreement, resulting in the owners needing to litigate to force purchasing developers to pay contracted sale prices, particularly when the general market has declined. We are experienced to provide supporting reports in such cases.

Market rental and market value
The most common point whereby a rental becomes disputable is when a new market rental needs to be established. We act both for landlords and tenants in cases of retail disputes and industrial property disputes. In cases whereby family separation occurs whether within or outside a court environment property valuations are required to negotiate settlement.
Similarly in financial planning or in estate disputes market values will need to be prepared for all the various classes of property in the form of a court report to assist the court in their deliberation.
Sydney side valuations has the right experts and experience to prepare market rental market value court reports.