New Strata Unit Entitlements
Sydneyside Valuations are property experts in Sydney. With over 30 years experience working in the property sector in Sydney, we have the skills and resources to service a broad range of professional clients with property interests. We work with International and local professionals and advisors including lawyers, accountants and passive and active investors, to facilitate and resolve market value and rental property disagreements and disputes.

New Strata Unit Entitlements
New strata buildings require a valuer to sign off on unit entitlements based on market value and not based on floor area as previously calculated on older strata plans. Older strata plans often require amendments as new lots are created due to further subdivisions; extensions or completely new buildings added to the land.

Extensive Strata Experience
We are experienced and competent to deal with all new unit entitlement matters. We are members of the Australian Property Institute and insured and able to sign off the Valuers certification on new strata plans.